Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Working on Color correction

Spent some time working on on making that picture I had earlier closer to what the ground actually looks like. The problem that I had before is that i just color corrected the image as a whole, so I went back masked out the sky and the ground on different layers and color corrected it so the ground had more a a red glow which it actually had because of the type of rocks that were around. The section isn't the best because there are to many trees and i just wanted to see if I could just get the picture looking better, but if I was using this as my work I would spend more time on the selections around the bushes.


first color correction

new color correction

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Project Ideas

When thinking about the project I went in search of graffiti art, and the one who seems do it best is Banks. This photos give me an idea of trying to find more interesting places to put the photos that I will be putting up. The one of the man being rolled over by a steam roller more than the one with colonel sanders. I got these photos off of Wooster Collective.

Who Would Have Thought

When you watch these shows on tv such as America's got talent you don't expect to see anything that spectacular. But this is from another country maybe that is why what this girl is doing is actually kind of cool. Its interesting to see the way that she uses the music to evoke the feeling. the the fluidness in which she does the sand art is almost like her conducting the song to her own will. When i brain strom for ideas I tend to listen to movie scores because of the srong emotional content that many of the soundtracks carry with them, and i try to bring that over in some way into the art i produce. I found it interesting that in this video this girl was able to combine both of those aspect togeather.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Different way to think

I thought that these ideas on how to make a painting was very interesting.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Project Description

Project Name: Urban Ansel

Project Description/ Conceptual Concerns:
The main idea of this project is to take classic black and white photographs that have been taken by Ansel Adams and blow them up to sizes of good sized walls and paste them to those walls, more or less graffiti art. The idea is a continuation of a project that was started last semester. The reason why it is being continued is because the one was that was finished did not seem to say and embrace the whole scope in which was to be portrayed though the work. To achieve this, the picture will be more tied into the land in which it was taken it and when the picture was put up. How each picture will be constructed is an Ansel Adams picture will be scanned and then blown up to the correct size. Then if no other better methods that can be found for printing out the picture the method that was used on the first project will be used again. The main picture will be divided up into smaller pieces and printed out on 11x17 paper and then pieced back together later to create the image as a whole. Before any of the pasting of the picture can be achieved locations have to be scouted out measured for size so that the picture can be printed out to fit the desired space. Conceptual ideas where always the main focus of the piece; not only was it trying to find a location and put up this work but to see how long the work would stay up. Even though the image itself is not offensive in anyway and is considered a fine work of art if it was not approved to be there it will be taken down on private property. Last time the work stayed up for one and a half days, because it was put up at a school. Continuing on that idea of putting art where it more or less doesn’t belong these up coming pieces will expand on the idea by taking the landscape of what is in the picture and where it is being put into consideration, and the idea of what was on the land before it was taken over by man more or less.

Technical Skills:
The main focus that would liked to be learned on and improved on is the color correction using Photoshop by using curves correctly, masking areas out for different levels. To make cleaner selections is also a goal so that the work can seem more flawless in its construction. So that when printing the final pictures come out more consistent and have more of a cohesive flow to them. Then there is the construction of the piece that should have a better way to be put together, which will be attempted to find a more efficient way to be constructed.

Formal Guidelines:
The basic form of the project will be the actual work that exists out in the public space but what the actual piece are the photographs that will be taken of each work. The total number of works that will be put up will hopefully be 4-5 pieces which will then be photographed. From those photographs that have been taken 3 photos from each location will be printed out. Size of the photographs will be at least 15x10; if the photograph feels it would be better served if it was larger then some of the prints will be larger. The project for mid-term will be done by 10/19 and the final project will be presented 12/7. The hope is to have at least 2 of the works done by mid-term if not one more, two at worst three at best.

Artist References:
Banksy, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Scribe aka D. Ross, Keith Haring, Shepard Fariey, Armsrock, Christian Paine, Graffiti Research Lab, Robots Will Kill, Zevs

Reading up on California landscape before the land was colonized. By reading history books and such things of that nature, I can figure out what was on the land before buildings took there place to see if I can match Ansel Adams pictures to the land.

The project should be graded on if the goals that were set where meet, and that a higher grade should be given if the project meet and surpasses the goals that where set technically and conceptually.

Goals List:
To become more a depth in color correction on Photoshop, to figure out how to mange the funding for this project so all 5 pieces will be made, and in turn to learn more about California’s landscape so that it can reflect in the work. At the same time to test the public’s view of public art, to see how long an image that is not offensive can last in a place where it does not belong; even though it is just improving on the space itself.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kids don't seem to like the camera

It seems that no matter what kids give the camera an award look as if they don't know how to act when you are taking a photo of them. They know what a camera is because from the moment they are born their lives are documented by using a camera. Yet at a strange age when they become more self aware of themselves they feel as though they need to act a certain when when having their photograph taken. That even when trying to capture candid pictures, they try not to have their picture taken with out them being portrayed the way that they want to be perceived themselves and have others perceive them the same.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back in LA...Where Have All the Stars Gone?

So since I've come back to LA from northern California the one thing that I have noticed the most is how you can't see any stars, or at least the kind of stars that I would like to see, because of all the light pollution. I remembered this web site that my teacher from my astronomy class told us about. That every day this web site would put up pictures of space that were taken though telescopes and I just find it interesting that some of these pictures look as though they could have been photo shopped but yet they are just from the outer reaches of our universe. It does not hurt that I find space a fascinating place.

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Late night surfing

Just looking around on wooster collective and I found this little picture and thought it was cool. It is entitled "Shit We're Diggin': "My Dog Sighs" Keyhole Bowl at the Southsea Skate Park"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown

Just finished the book "Schulz and Peanuts" after trying to read it for the past like 6 months. I finally got around to finishing it. The book itself is quite sad that all the while illustrating a beloved cartoon character Schulz himself felt so alone in the world. Which at the same time is not all to surprising considering he was the man who came up with the idea of Charlie Brown.

Tim O Brien

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Beatles Rock Band

The Beatles broke up in 1970 and it is now 2009, they have not been a band for almost 40 years now and yet it seems as though they are just a popular as they were 40 years ago. Yesterday with the release of the Beatles full catalog remastered and the release of Beatles Rock Band it just reminded me of how imporant they were as a band that not only influenced music, but culture in general. Posting these pictures just reminds me of how much the Fab Four changed the world.

Richard Avedon

photos by Richard Avedon

I just thought this one was a funny picture, this IS NOT a Richard Avedon

So I spent all last night playing Beatles Rock Band and it made me think of how cool the comercial for it was. I figured why not post the video on here since it is a sweet concept.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Worst Cover ever

So these guys took a good song by a good band and made it the worst song ever...I hate so much about music these days.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Color Correction: My Picture

Here are some screen shots from the online program for color correction. I watched all of the tutorials that involved finding the white balance


So I took one of the pictures that I had taken over the weekend adventure in Arizona at Antelope Canyon to edit for this assignment. This picture is just a picture of three smoke stacks that were coming out of a factory off in the distance. Although you can not see the factory in the picture because it is hidden behind the hill. So it just looks as though the three smoke stacks are just rising out of the ground. It was kind of odd because at the same time it was lightly raining while I was taking this picture. It was also kind of odd to see out in the middle of no where these giant smoke stacks when besides the road that went out there; there was no sign of human life.



Color Corrections

Ryan Russell

For the color corrections assignment I chose a picture that is by the photographer Ryan Russell. He takes pictures of main bands, but his photography encompasses many different ideas. He likes to kept the colors very saturated and odd as a stylistic quality. The picture that I am using is a picture of the subway escalators that are in Chicago. The original picture has a green tint to emphasize the florescent lighting that lights the hall tunnel. But I color corected it so it has more of a neutral felling.

Here is a link to his website below.
Ryan Russell


After Color correction

Photo by Ryan Russell

Presidents Of the United States

My friend Barak does these drawings of the presidents. Mixing in history with a little bit of humor. You can find more on his web site at .

grover cleveland/FDR

george washington / ulysses s grant

james polk

Monday, September 7, 2009

Went On An Adventure

So this weekend me and my roommate got bored, so we deiced to drive out to Arizona and go to this place called Antelope Canyon, which turned out to be a total tourist trap. At least it was cool to look at once we got there. It took us about 22 hours to drive out there and back. And it all started because we were watching "Drive-ins, Diners, and Dives" on Food Network.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Blog

So since this is my first blog I i figured I would post an old picture from last semester.