Sunday, October 25, 2009


Brian Wong
Kyle Riedel
Art 406b

Project Evaluation

The strengths of the work that I feel that I accomplished was thinking out the idea more then the first time when it was constructed. I was able to focus more on the idea of the work then actually getting the work itself up. Last time when I did the project the picture was printed up on 184 different sheets of paper and had the piece the work together one by one which took to much time and just was not practical to do again when I was thinking about continuing the project. I was able this time to research and found that I could get the images printed bigger which would mean that there would be less squares that would have to put together. I also feel that the work has more of a point of view. That it exist more then just in the idea of that it looks nice that there can be derived a sub context to the picture that was chosen. The printed work in which is view I believe is stronger too because of the knowledge that I had learned more in depth ways of color correction and other masking techniques. Over all as far as photoshop goes I knew enough before but I was still unsure about the whole way of color correction. What I found helpful and what also helped improve my project was the several color correction demonstrations that where given in class. I felt that for me there was a lot that I took away from those. I would say that I was proficient at photoshop but in no way was I near where I want to be.

When coming up to with ideas it seems that I am not really sure how they happen. I have to be thinking about that idea which I want to accomplish and then ideas just randomly pop into my head. In which I will write down the idea and look though them at a later date. When looking on the ideas later that I have written down most of the ideas do not seem to be good ideas when reexamining them. How the idea starts usually is when sitting in class or watching television or something to that extent of just random, and I will have an idea that I think sounds some what interesting. I have tried sitting and just brain storming everything at once and the ideas just do not seem to flow out as naturally and they just seem very forced, and they do not seem to be any better then the ideas that just come while I am just doing random things. As far as the idea of locations of where I could put up the work that was just me driving around on my day today life and just seeing areas that looked as though they would make a good spot to put up the work. I also get ideas from when I look at other artist on blogs and websites.

There are so many things that I could say about the weakness side of the project. First off the picture that was printed off at Kinko’s was not printed right because the person who was printing it out seemed to not know what he was doing because when he printed the images which I had arranged and sized so that it would fit their printed, the images still came out with different sized borders on every picture, making it very hard when trying to put the pictures together because they did not line up as they should have. Secondly the picture when printed out lost all of the semi fine detail in the image. It was expected that some of the detail would be lost but it was like most of the image was totally black in areas that where just semi gray. I was not expecting that and I could not reprint the images because they cost to much to print out to start with. Other weakness is that although I feel as though I have learned a great deal about how to print the images off, the colors still seem to me that they are off. And I would like to learn more about the sharpening tool in photoshop. My images seem to be sharp but not as sharp as they should be. When talking to Christian and he said that you need to over sharpen when you print because the printer muddies the image because the ink runs a bit. Other weakness are the on the conceptual side of the work. The main idea that I had was to see the tangibility of the reality of the work and how long it would exist. This idea does not hold up because it does not work with the way that I am placing the images into the space. It would work better if the images were hidden as objects in the space so that they would be more inconspicuous. The conceptual idea for the hospital works but the image that I picked was not as insightful as the other. I need to find a way to relate though historically the picture with the location. The fact that there were no deadlines did not really affect me because right from the start I planned out when I would have each step of my project done, so there was not problem with that. Another weakness is that I feel that I printed to many pictures that I only really needed one image for each one of my works.

The project made me more aware of all the resources that I had at my disposal. It started by the blog that we had to do. I do not really know all that many artists but by looking at other people’s blogs and the artist they were posting and talking about I was able to find out about a whole different array of new artist which I think helped tremendously. I was also looking at a lot of the blogs that were given to us last semester also such as Ffffound!, wrongdistance, Wooster collective. For the purpose of this project I looked up a lot of blogs that had information about urban art and graffiti art; world Graffiti urban art, Bristol graffiti, Barcelona graffiti and street art by the artists. I found myself going to more galleries as the weeks went by. I make it a point to check out the galleries that are on campus every week and see what people are putting up.

Fixing the problem:
If I continue this project into the next part of the class then I could do more research and try and think more about the historical significance between the picture and the landscape that I am putting into my own image. I will only print one image for each of my works so not to over kill the effect of the work.

Websites listed:
Some of the website that I have been looking at this semester.

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